Life-Extension Science & Technology
Philosophy vis a vis the Science. I became involved in Life-Extension Science in 1972 and published
the first position papers soon thereafter. [1] Our current approach is essentially
the same today as it was envisioned then, with the exception of the research
strategy for the Control of Ageing, which now focuses on advancing regeneration
biology rather than assuming that the answers are in gerontology. Having
been in this field for some time, I can claim to speak with some authority
not only about Life-Extension Science but also about the broader aspects
and implications in psychology, sociology, ecology, and general philosophy.
I have come to the conclusion that the major barrier to advancing Life-Extension
Science is philosophical, much more than it is the science and the technology.
In other words, the main problem is with our values, aspirations, psychological
denial, and the level of consciousness and "spirit". Therefore,
let us first cover some philosophical framing.
[1] Everone CA, 1977; A Systematic Approach To Life-Extension
And Control Of Ageing; Journal of Applied Nutrition, 29(3&4) p.32-47,
1977. Everone CA, 1978; A Uniform System For The Delivery Of Life-Extension
Applications And The Advancement Of Ageing Research; Presented at XIth
International Congress of Gerontology, Tokyo, Japan, August 1978.
the moment, try to disassociate yourself from the crowd and your usual identity
- suspend your attachment to your nationality, your gender, religion, social
values and position, and current historical setting. Ask yourself: "what
is this thing called life and living - this arduous and apparently meaningless
and ever-changing scene of fluctuations and illusions - the Maya?"
And keep in mind that how you understand and define the purpose of Life
will determine, in large measure, the processes which you take in living
your particular life - the maxim, "purpose dictates process",
applies. First, consider these indisputable, generic facts. |
 Our Period
in Evolution. Obviously, you are, most fundamentally,
your body; and your body was created by the bodies of your parents, whose
bodies were created by their parents, and so on - in a ancient chain of
biological entities going back to the murky, evolutionary past. Anthropologists
calculate that we (Cro-Magnons or Homo Sapiens) were derived from a small
cluster of about 12 inbred hominid mutants in East Africa (a cluster of
12 would be the minimum number who could sustain a mutation sufficiently
to amplify their population and create a new specie). These Stone Age creatures
(living by "nature, red in tooth and claw", as Hobbes characterized
the primitive human condition) migrated throughout that African continent
and over the Sinai land-bridge, to inhabit all of the other continents (over
a period of some 200,000 years), during most of which, they were barefoot
and either naked or clothed in animal skins with their babies strapped to
their backs. Burial mounds show that, until more recent history, none of
those earlier people lived longer than about 35 years with half of their
population dying in childbirth and early infancy. As they radiated out of
Africa, they diverged into different geographies, developing different languages
and customs and becoming our present multi-racial, multi-ethnic, and multi-national
groupings. For most of that history, we were dirt poor, surviving by scavenging,
gathering, and hunting; and virtually everyone of us has mostly grunt peasants
and slaves in our lineal heritage. Fire was captured, metallurgy invented,
plants and animals domesticated, and farmers replaced the hunters and gathers.
Then about 200 years ago, industrialism, the use of carbon-based fuels and
other energy systems, and advanced technologies ensued, leading to our current
situation. If 20 years is the period for a generation, then we are, now,
some 10,000 generations from our earliest animal ancestors. The main struggle
during that arduous process has been for survival and a struggle over resources,
against both other human beings (our "relatives") and with Nature
to control and amplify those resources. It is amazing to reflect on the
fact that of all the species on Earth, we are the only one who knows that
we are going to die, who has a sense of history and the future, who knows
how we are made and can have magnificent conceptions like the "big-bang"
as the origin of the Universe and that we come from star-dusk, and who is
capable of intelligent self-design. The single most fundamental pursuit
over the eons of our history has been Survival - survival of self and, by
extension, survival of progeny. Survival is the single most fundamental
purpose of life; it is the condition upon which all other conditions depend.
The basic instinct is to survive in the present, near and more distant future,
and, ultimately, indefinitely over time; and this is the central principle
which forms the philosophy or Ideology of the Goal of Infinite Survival
and which is promulgated in tandem with our effort in life-extension. Through
most of our evolution, the sole enemy has been external circumstances. Now,
in our epoch, the next struggle (the real struggle) is with the limits and
detrimental aspects of our own nature. It is said that if we really wish
to improve the human condition, then we must improve human nature, itself
- videlicit, human, physical nature. And Life-Extension Science is
the cutting edge of that transformation. |
Doctrine. Virtually everyone adheres to some kind
of a Salvation Doctrine. The religious, belief systems dominate; and even
for those people who reject religion, they almost always hold some kind
of a spiritualistic belief. Because life (as it is presently constructed)
inevitably entails suffering and death, these beliefs all posit some kind
of a dualistic paradigm of existence - a material realm which is NOT
permanent and a non-material realm which IS permanent with a person's
existence migrating from the former to the latter or oscillating between
the two. Life-Extension and Control of Ageing will not yield immortality.
However, it does offer the prospect of a greatly extended span of life,
in optimal condition with an open potential and a transition out of our
limited constraints of time and circumstances with their inevitable suffering.
Death would result by accident or be voluntary rather than imposed by our
Nature. Such an increase in freedom will also entail greatly expanded responsibilities.
It has been said that "the sins of the Fathers will be inherited by
the generations which follow"; but that was when the life-span was
very short. With life-extension, we will inherit and have to correct our
own sins - only simple justice! |
 The Four
Enemies. An anthropologist and author by the name
of Castenada (1968) presented the notion of there being Four Enemies to
the individual who would be 'at cause' in the world rather than remaining
a victim of circumstances and other people.
As Shapespeare put it:
"To be, or not to be, that is the question. Whether
it is Nobler ... to suffer The Slings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune,
Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles, And by opposing, end them:"
(Hamlet by William Shakespeare,1623.)
And later, Thomas Jefferson paraphrased Shakespeare, noting:
"... all experience hath shewn, that mankind are
more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves
by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed." (Declaration
of Independence, 1776; written by Thomas Jefferson and adopted by unanimous
consent of the thirteen United States of America.)
The first Enemy, as Castenada saw it,
was "Fear". Fear afflicts and tends to paralyze everyone
and keeps most people in their place, which results in a person remaining
a victim of circumstances and social oppression. However, if a person learns
how to over-come one's Fear by persistence, trial-and-error, and challenging
the restraints imposed by circumstances, then a person obtains "Knowledge"
- i.e., knowledge about how the world works. But then, Knowledge, itself,
becomes the next Enemy because either one gets depressed and despondent
by realizing the truth about reality or becomes arrogant in their knowledge,
both of which lead to a down-fall. If a person can conquer the Enemy of
Knowledge, then one gains "Power" or how to make the world
work according to one's will and desire. But then, again, Power becomes
the Enemy, because it easily leads to greed and tyranny and, consequently,
defeat. Power needs to be controlled and is more of a trust than it is just
getting what one wants. Finally, the last Enemy is the inevitability of
"Ageing" because when the body becomes frail, the person
regresses backward, loosing one's Power and Knowledge, and eventually relapsing
down to Fear, desperately trying to protect oneself by holding on to what
one has. So, you see, under present constraints, the Four Enemies rule the
human condition - both individual and social. But, if the Enemy of Ageing
were to be conquered (as it seems inevitable in the foreseeable future),
then one would have the time and strength to conquer the other 3 Enemies
and become at cause in the world rather than remain at effect, so that you
do not get stuck in your current circumstances.
 Save yourself.
You are routinely being asked to save someone else
or something else - e.g., whales and endangered species, starving children
with malaria, historic buildings, donate to a political candidate to "save"
the county, etc. Here, you are being asked to save yourself and kindred.
Indeed, unless you are also working on saving yourself, it does not make
much sense to devote your resources to saving others. Unless ageing is cured,
we are all committed by our nature to a relatively short life-span and the
tragic prospect of progressive senescence - something which is already becoming
a major burden on the social fabric. These are blunt and impolite statements;
but they are accurate and true; and like any problem, if we are to solve
it, then we must confront it directly and not take transient comfort in
denial and politically correct euphemisms. See it as it is, say it as we
see it, and move forward to solve it! |
If you , we will forward a link to personal
Life-Expectancy Calculation - it takes about 5-10 minutes and will give
you a sense of yourself over time within the unfolding progress in Life-Extension
Science. And the following Introduction provides the general principles
and definition of key terms with respect mostly to the science of Life-Extension. |