The Ideology of the Goal of Infinite Survival
"Plan for Seven Generations" is an American
Indian saying. Accordingly, this communication is intended for not just
the current generation but, even more so, for the generations to come. Indeed,
by the time these thoughts reach you (the reader), the author may have passed
away long before.
I want to begin this discussion by citing the Six, Essential,
Immutable Truths upon which this entire philosophical treatise is based.
I will call them "Sutras" after the Hindu tradition for outlining
the main points of system of though. These Six, Essential, Immutable Truths
are axioms or precepts; and they have always been, are now, and forever
will remain true and unchanging - that is the claim. They are fixed, universal,
necessary, and certain; and they are the only principles which are essential
to this doctrine. All else is elaboration and commentary, much of which
will change over time.
Sutra 1 - Survival
is the single, most fundamental purpose of life.
Sutra 2 - By extension in time, the ultimate purpose of
life is, necessarily, Infinite Survival.
Sutra 3 - The Individual
is the primary unit of existential meaning.
Sutra 4 - Scientific
Empiricism is the epistemology upon which knowledge in this
sytem is to be grounded.
Sutra 5 - The Individual exists concurrently in Five Realms of Existence: i.e., Biology,
Psychology, Sociology, Ecology, and Cosmology.
Sutra 6 - Within the frame-of-reference of Sutras 1 -
5, the Individual, who uses this Ideology, constructs a Pragmatics or Practicum
of personal objectives, linking to relevant people, places, and thing.
Although Socrates (circa 400 B.C.E) must have been literate, he never
wrote and of his many thoughts. His reason (given in Plato's dialog called
"Phaedrus") is that he believed that knowledge can only be passed
by the spoken word in a dialog with the interaction of others. The written
word is a narrow construction of knowledge, and it freezes thought in one
form - thereby imposing a barrier to the natural evolution of ideas. Although
advanced civilization could not have happened without the written word;
there is considerable merit to this observation of Socrates. Thus, the only
fixed ideas in this text are the Six, Essential, Immutable Truths, as above,
which I would ask that you memorize the key terms that are high-lighted.
If you remember these 6 Sutras, you will have the back-bone of the entire
system of thought; and by your own inquiry and dialog with other could invent
all (and more) of the information which is discussed in the following written
C. A. Everone
Philosophy can be about many things; but essentially,
it is about the pursuit of "Wisdom" - as the roots of the
word denote (philo = a lover of + sofia = wisdom). What then
is Wisdom? Essentially, Wisdom is about "Right Ideas" with
Ideas being cognitive constructions of the mind and Right being determined
by those Ideas which are "Accurate" (in terms of the ideas
mapping to reality) and/or "Useful" (in terms of the ideas
benefiting the individual or society). It probably would not come as any
great surprise to suggest that many of the Ideas which we have in our minds
are neither Accurate nor Useful. In other words, our minds are filled with
noise; and one of the tasks of philosophy is to sort out the Right Ideas
and to build personal character and social institutions accordingly. Apart
from the ideas which we derive from our personal experience, we have inherited
a massive amount of what is held to be Wisdom from our cultural traditions;
but our reality has changed so radically from even the recent past and will
continue to change even more radically in the future, such that it is doubtful
that traditional Wisdom is neither Accurate or Useful for our present situation
and our future potential. Given that we now know that the stars are not
fires of gods in the sky but rather an almost infinite array of Suns and
Galaxies expanding outward, and given that we now know that all life on
Earth is a variation on the DNA molecule, and given that there are now 7
billion people on the planet clamoring for resources, and we are able to
fly through the atmosphere and space, are facing massive climate change,
know that our mind is an expression of neuronal networks, etc., etc., one
could ask that if the great sages and prophets of the past (Moses, Jesus,
Mohammed, Buddha, Lao-tsu, etc.) were alive today, would they still espouse
the same doctrines as they did in their own historical setting? It is doubtful
that they could or would. So, those authorities must be discounted - not
discarded but discounted. And that would also apply to all of the other,
lesser, historical philosophers - they would not espouse today the same
doctrines which they did in their own historical time. (The one exception,
it must be noted, would be Socrates, because the only philosophy which he
espoused was Skepticism; and Skepticism is the root force that drives true
philosophy, as it always has done and will do so, forever.)
Why not put aside all of that traditional Wisdom, assume
that everything will have to be re-evaluated, go down to generic philosophical
principles, and ground our thinking there? Then, from that platform, decide
where we want to be, look around at our circumstances and see where we are,
devise strategies for getting from where we are to where we want to be,
and move forward. In that process, we can re-evaluate the traditional knowledge
and determine what continues to constitute Wisdom, keeping those elements
which will work for us as we pursue our quest. However, in large measure,
we will need to invent, anew, our own body of Wisdom - i.e., Right Ideas
with "right" be determined by their Accuracy and Usefulness. This
is the platform upon which the Ideology of the Goal of Infinite Survival
was devised.
The highest philosophical pursuit is not just the accumulation
of bits and fragments of truths or Right Ideas but rather it is the construction
of an Ideology, which is an integrated system of thought that is based on
an Idea or set of Ideas. There are many specialized ideologies such as Science,
Democracy, Free Enterprise, etc.; and then there are comprehensive ideologies
such as the religions (Christianity, Buddhism, etc.). The comprehensive
ideologies represent the highest degree of abstraction or inclusiveness;
and in philosophy, they are called a world-view or "Weltanschauung",
which was defined by Freud in the following terms:
".... By `Weltanschauung', then, I mean an intellectual construction,
which gives a unified solution of all the problems of our existence in
virtue of a comprehensive hypothesis, a construction, therefore, in which
no question is left open and in which everything in which we are interested
finds a place." Sigmund Freud (1932) Lecture XXXV A Philosophy of
The Ideology of the Goal of Infinite is such a world
view; and here is an outline of the formal Arguments on which this philosophy
is based. This is a brief and highly compressed exposition, and a more complete
discussion is given elsewhere.
Again, an Ideology is a system of thought that is based
on an Idea or set of Ideas. Any Ideology, must defined 4 essential components:
1) the Purpose, 2) the Ontology, 3) the Epistemology, and 4) the Pragmatics
or Practicum. Each component is necessary and together they are sufficient
for the construction of the Ideology as a whole.
1) Purpose. Purpose dictates process; it is the
goal that determines the means; and the definition of the Purpose of an
Ideology is the principle construction which governs the orientation of
the entire philosophical system. The first thing which needs to be resolve
in the design of an Ideology is its Purpose. As a rule, Answers are generated
and configured by the Questions; and intelligent Answers are derived from
asking important Questions. In this pursuit, a wide variety of options are
available; but the guiding principle is to discover the most fundamental
truth - i.e., to discover what is the single condition upon which all other
conditions depend? After a lengthy dialectical process, this inquiry will
eventually lead to the single most essential question: what is the purpose
of Life, itself? Your personal purpose cannot be different from the purpose
of Life, itself; because you are just a variation on that common theme.
In answering this question, one will be compelled by logic, reason, empirical
evidence, and common sense to conclude that the single, most fundamental
purpose of life is "Survival" - survival is the conditio sine
qua non. Given Survival, all things are possible; without Survival nothing
matters. Further, by extension in time, Survival would have to be the single,
most fundamental purpose of Life in the near and more distant futures; and
the ultimate purpose would have to be Infinite Survival - that is the "teleology"
or ultimate expression of this most fundamental condition. In principle,
this is exactly the same as what the traditional religions have resolved
- they are particular approaches to Salvation or Infinite Survival. Although
the ultimate purpose is the same, the religions have been constructed on
the assumption that there are two realms of existence - 1) the material
realm, which is transient and limited and entails suffering and ultimate
death, and 2) the spiritual realm, which is permanent, unlimited, and blissful
and eternal, with the spiritual realm being the actual cause of the material
world; and, after death in the material realm, the individual can migrate
into the spiritual realm and live forever. The ultimate Purpose of the different
religious doctrines is to get the believer from the impermanent, material
realm into the permanent, spiritual realm. Obviously, the merit and efficacy
of the religions depends entirely on the existence of such a non-material,
spiritual realm. As you will see by the Epistemology for this Ideology,
we will not have much to say about the religious approach to Infinite Survival
because their claims are not subject to validation by the Epistemology of
this system - i.e., Scientific Empiricism. Besides, given that there are
21 major religions in the world among a total of some 4,000+, the existing
religions do not need any improvement and are more than adequate to resolve
the dualistic vision of existence. Their validity depends on belief, while
Empiricism depends on objective proof. Keep in mind that Infinite Survival,
as used here, is not a static condition. It is not a place or a thing but
rather an unending pursuit that is consistent with the intrinsic nature
of each individual being.
2) Ontology. The next essential element in an
Ideology is its Ontology, which, as used here, is concerned with the Being
or point-of-reference in which the Ideology has its meaning and application.
In this system, the particular Individual, who uses the Ideology, is the
central reference. Things count if they pertain to and benefit the Individual,
and, while there are objective and universal criteria for determining what
should be relevant and beneficial to all people, it is, ultimately, the
Individual who determines that for oneself. At first, this may appear to
be solipsistic and anti-social; but that is countered by understanding the
functionality of cooperation and reciprocity with other people in accordance
with one's Purpose.
3) Epistemology. Epistemology is how we determine
the validity of our knowledge and establish Right Ideas; and in this system,
it is Scientific Empiricism, which means that in pursuit of the goal of
Infinite Survival, we build our knowledge on material facts that are scientifically
valid and that are empirically relevant to our pursuit.
4) Practicum. The Practicum or Pragmatics of
the Ideology is the assemblage of practical applications which serve the
Individual as validated by the Epistemology in pursuit of the Purpose. Each
Individual exists as a unique entity, in unique circumstances; and therefore,
each person's Practicum will be different. However, we all have many things
in common, one of which is over-coming disease and death - i.e., Life-Extension
Science and Technology. And that enterprise is, a fortiori, the main
objective of the Foundation for Infinite Survival because it is relevant
to everyone's survival.
Another important concept is to see that each person
exists in Five Realms, which are inter-related and inter-dependent. They
are the following: Biology, Psychology, Sociology, Ecology, and Cosmology.
Think of your personal existence as concentric spheres, expanding outward
from your physical being, as below.
Most fundamentally, you exist in the World as a physical, biological
being. Through your mind or Psychology, you interact with and navigate through
the world, the first order of which would be the societies of other humans
or Sociology. Then, you and society exist within and depend on the Earth's
Ecology, and finally the existence of the entire world depends on many aspects
of the extra-planetary realm, Cosmology. Adaptive strategies in each realm
need to be devised within the frame-work of the Ideology. Biologically,
the main objective is Life-Extension Science & Technology. Psychologically,
one of the objectives is to create an identity and personal character which
is effective in the pursuit of the Goal; and the Aphorism or Mantra of the
Ideology, which follows, will help do that. In the realm of Sociology, some
of the issues are: family, career, building communities, and making connections
with the social networks that are relevant to the goal and to your pursuit
of it. In the realm of Ecology, think about positioning yourself in a sustainable
environment with access to resources, something which will become increasingly
important and a challenge as we navigate through the probable collapse of
vulnerable eco-systems and societies. And many adventures await us in the
realm of Cosmology with off-planetary exploration and development.
The following is an aphorism or mantra, which compresses
the Ideology into one statement. In the left-hand column are the components
of the statement or affirmation, and the explanation of the function of
each segment is provided in the right column.
Aphorism or Mantra of the Ideology |
< = > |
Elements of Philosophical Construction |
| |
"I am the goal of Infinite Survival, |
| |
This defines (1) the Goal of the Ideology and establishes (2) the Ontology,
affirming that goal as one's personal identity. |
applying myself through ( your name ), |
| |
This embeds that identity within one's Persona (3). |
according the principles of Scientific Empiricism, |
| |
This establishes the Epistemology (4) or how truths are defined for the
system. |
linking to relevant aspects of people, places, and things in all realms
of existence - biology, psychology, sociology, ecology, and cosmology." |
| |
This embeds the Goal, Ontology, Persona, and Epistemology, supra, into the
Five Realms of Existence (5) and is the framework for establishing the Pragmatics
(6) of the Ideology - i.e., a personal and social Practicum for the application
of the Ideology. |
This is the Symbol, Logo, or Mandala for the Ideology.
"IS" represents the idea of Infinite Survival as the goal;
the 6 concentric infinity signs represent the Ideology, itself, as applied
in the 5 realms of existence; and the circle represents the system of thought,
as a whole. |
Another graphic representation is the schematic below. |
Here, the fundamental principle of life, Survival, is expressed in the 5
Realms of Existence with the ultimate goal or pursuit being Infinite Survival. |
Closing Remarks
It is said that Civilization is constructed by two elements:
1) a Great Analysis and 2) a Great Story. And the two elements upon which
Western civilization is structured are represented by culture of Athens
(i.e., Reason, as the Great Analysis), and Jerusalem (i.e., Christianity,
as the Great Story). Here, the Great Analysis is the Goal of Infinite Survival
as defined in the preceding discussion and the Great Story is you and the
life which you conduct in pursuit of that Goal. You are the hero of your
own Story.
The discussion about philosophy may seem too abstract
and unnecessary; however, I feel quite certain that thinking about philosophy
will become one of your most important assets as we move into a rapidly
evolving future, and it will be necessary for you to take advantage of the
changes. The history of the last century has been driven by progress in
the scientific understanding of nature (mostly physics) and by the technological
inventions which that science has enabled. Now, as we move into the scientific
understanding of biology, the technologies which emerge therefrom will radically
change the entire paradigm of human existence. And Life-Extension Science,
more than any technology, will force everyone adapt to long-range survival,
whether or not they are actively engaged and desirous and willing. Of course
taking advantage of the opportunities is enhances by active engagement.
Keep in mind, that this technology also entails expanded challenges and
responsibilities. Your philosophy is the substrate of your consciousness,
which frames both your conscious and unconscious minds; and in so doing,
it filters and focuses your inter-action with the world about you. What
and how you think determines how you act. And the way you act, modifies
your circumstances which in turn feeds back in a dynamic oscillation that
eventually shapes your destiny. We tend to make happen our expectations.
This constitutes a summary of the main principles of
the entire philosophy or Ideology. To understand more fully will take a
fair amount of consideration and discussion. In the pursuit of Life-Extension
Science, the meaning and purpose of the philosophy will become clearer.
See that discussion.
C.A. Everone