Life-Extension Science is about "Health",
and it encompasses the well established, conventional areas of:
    curative medicine.
However, Life-Extension Science does
so from a unique and radically different perspective. Although health, prevention,
and curative medicine are agreed to be good things and are desired by most
people, those practices, by themselves, have serious contra-indications
and adverse effects, unless we also focus on curing the underlying cause
of modern diseases - i.e., biological ageing. Reversing and controlling
ageing is the next barrier to advancing the quality of personal life and
improving humanity in general; and without the control of ageing, there
never will be any significant health maintenance or disease prevention;
and conventional, curative medicine will be of only limited use. The current
state-of-the-art is woefully inadequate.
I will be asserting here that there
is one and really only one approach to Health; and that is what will be
presented as Life-Extension Science. Health and Life-Extension are interrelated,
because if Health is really improved by some procedure, then the effect
of that would be, naturally, some degree of Life-Extension. And the Control
of Ageing is fundamental to the goal of Health and Life-Extension.
We know where this science presently
stands, and we know where it needs to go, and most of the basic knowledge
is already in place. So, the task is getting from where we are now to where
we want to be. It is mostly a problem of engineering and the translation
of scientific knowledge to technologies in a mission-oriented program under
ethical and competent management. See the adjacent inset.
First, however, there are a couple
of notions from communication theory that are appropriate.
The process of "communication",
is, most fundamentally, about getting what one wants. Communication is not
just the transmission or exchange of messages. Rather, you only know if
you have communicated if you get what you want. Obviously then, having a
clear idea about what one wants is essential. And therefore, what this writer
wants, here, is to identify people who are positively interested in the
subject of life-extension and control of ageing (either for oneself or future
generations or both) in order to build a network of participants and bringing
this science to its full realization, as quickly as possible. That is
the goal of this communication; and it begins by having interested parties .
Another notion is the 5 stages in
making an effective communication, which are:
 1) Attention,
 2) Interest,
 3) Conviction,
 4) Desire, and
 5) Close.
If you have gotten this far in the
message, then I have your "attention". The following Preface and
Introduction should accomplish stages 2, 3, and 4; and the "close"
is to have you so that we might build your interest in becoming part
of that international network of participants and, again, bring this technology
forth as rapidly as possible.
Everyone, whether they know it yet
or not, has a vested interest in this enterprise. Because the cure of biological
ageing and the extension of a healthy and fully functioning life-span are
an aspiration of virtually all people, it can be assumed that I (this "signal
sender") and you (the "signal receiver") have an interest
in common. In other words, it is in our best interest for us and as many
others as possible to participate in this effort or at least to become properly
informed about it.
Your interest is appreciated,
Everone, Governing Trustee

The author at age 17

The author at age 67
The difference here is "ageing" - i.e., a
decline in biological vitality which is caused by a decline in cell number,
rate, and quality. The ultimate goal of Life-Extension Science is the invention
of technologies which will restore and maintain biological vitality (again:
cell number, rate, quality) back to what one had between the ages of 20
± 5. Keep that target model in mind. That is the optimal expression
of each person's genotype, and that is where we need to go with our science.
At such level of biological vitality, function would remain high, disease
minimal and easy to cure if it did occur, and the potential life-span greatly
expanded. Such technologies reside in experimental, regeneration biology
(e.g., stem cells, transcription factors, eumitogens, and such).
Biological ageing is a disease - caused
by a universal, genetic defect in our specie. Beginning at about the age
of 30, the natural down-regulation in cell number, rate, and quality progresses,
at first slowly and then exponentially, causing the chronic diseases, and
leading to senility and a limit on maximum life-span to under 100 - but
for all practical purposes to about 85.
We do not need a grandiose, centralized,
Manhattan or Apollo type of project to bring about the solution - rather
the approach must be measured, incremental, and actionable.