(If you wish to print this synopsis/order-form,
it is about 4 pages. Also, below, there are links to two related files
which might be of interest to you.)
This is directed primarily to Patients and their "Facilitators"
who are dealing with breast cancer. The central issue is this: if you think
that you might benefit from having the most current and authoritative information
on colon cancer, then consider our Comprehensive Report. Regardless of
the patient's situation: 1 - newly diagnosed and not yet in treatment,
or 2 - already in the course of treatment, 3 - in remission, or 4 - recurrent),
one should have the most authoritative and current scientific information
to help insure the best available and appropriate treatment. This is, of
course, true for any serious medical problem; but it is particularly true
for colon cancer, where developments are occurring rapidly. Having the
best available information and staying current on developments is the basis
for an intelligent approach to planning treatment. And that what we provide
in our service.
The information
in The Report is derived from the most advanced scientific databases in
the world; and it is constructed in a manner that it can be understood
and put to use by all involved - i.e., the Patient, the Facilitators, and
the medical Professionals. ("Facilitators" are relatives, associates,
or counselors who are helping the patient obtain the best care.) Our report
is revised monthly, so it is as current as one can get. It comes with a
1 year subscription to the web-site so one has access to revised reports
and expanded features at no extra cost. And it comes in both electronic
or printed/electronic formats, making it convenient and cost effective.
Further, as separate functions, we can also provide extended research and
medical coordination services on particular cases. The Synopsis, here,
provides an explanation of the components of our Comprehensive Report.
Also, there are two separate, related files which might be worth you while
to read: 1) An Over-view of Colon Cancer,
and 2) The Life-extension Approach
to Medicine. Using the form at the end of this file, you may order
a report, or you may use a separate order
In virtually any serious medical situation, the following
are the main issues of concern.
1 - Has the
disease been properly diagnosed, staged, and trended? This is not necessarily
an easy, formulamatic process; and the proper therapeutic strategy depends
on the diagnosis, staging, and trend. Our Report provides definitive procedures,
and this is relevant even if already in treatment or in remission.
2 - What are
the state-of-the-art medical treatments and therapeutic alternatives? The
most advanced protocols are maintained by expert panels that are constituted
by physicians at research-oriented institutions. These are explained in
The Report in both lay terms for patients and facilitators and in technical
details for the treating physicians (as well as patients).
3 - How do
the adverse effects of a treatment compromise the quality of living and
life-expectancy? Frequently, conventional treatments cause great adverse
effects and lower the quality of survival such that they can be of doubtful
merit. You need to have a realistic idea of the "cost/benefit"
of a therapy.
4 - What experimental
trials are currently open? There are experimental treatments that are being
explored for virtually all types of cancers, and these might be either
an alternative to conventional modalities or adjunct to them.
5 - What is
the status of current research on the disease? Bio-medical research is
compounding at a exponential rate, particularly in cancer. Even minor improvements
in conventional practices can result in major benefits to individual patients.
Our Comprehensive Report on Colon Cancer addresses all
of the above issues in a 250 page document that represents the most current
and authoritative information on Colon cancer. Increasingly, Patients and
Facilitators want to be more actively involved in the decision making process;
but one must be well informed to do so. And that is what our report accomplishes.
We provide the Report in electronic format and in a
bound, printed version. The fee for the electronic medium, via the Internet,
is $155. For the printed copy plus the electronic version, the fee is $285
(that includes the Priority mailing). With either mode, a one year subscription
to the companion web-site is included, which has the monthly revised reports
and other features that are relevant to Colon cancer. The service fee is
tax-deductible; and usually the report can be compiled and delivered within
one week.
report is created either by or under the supervision of Chadd Everone,
Ph.D. Having done literally several thousand such research reports for
all kinds of clients and medical conditions for over 20 years and having
authored the DoctorInternet Program, he is one of the leading authorities
in doing such medical research.
If you wish to discuss the particulars before ordering,
please complete the "Contact Form" below and "submit"
it. To order the report, print this file and use the "Order Form"
below or use a separate file Order Form.
Order Form For Comprehensive Report
on Colon Cancer
Make contribution by check or money order (U.S. currency), and
send to:
FIS- Life-Extension Program. / 2054 University Ave. #407 / Berkeley,
California 94707 |
Name |
Street Address |
City, State, Zip |
Country |
Telephone |
E-mail |
[ ] Report in electronic format via the web-site. |
$155 |
[ ] Report in bound/printed and electronic format. |
$285 |