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Foundation for Infinite Survival, Inc. (Est. 1972)
(science and philosophy in a unified system of thought)
Life-Extension & Control of Ageing Program
Medical Research Services
DoctorInternet ®
2054 University Ave. #407 / Mail: P.O. Box 13512
Berkeley, California 94712-4512 USA



What is "life-extension science"? How does this relate to health, disease prevention, and medicine? What role does the control of ageing play? Where do we stand now with this technology, where do we need to go, and how do we plan to get there? This Synopsis is a introduction to The Foundation and The Life-Extension Program, explaining some of the basic principles of life-extension science, the program objectives, target audience, and how to participate. If you do nothing more than print and read this Synopsis (it is about 13 printed pages), then you will be way ahead. For additonal background, slide presentations are also given on the history of life-extension science as well as comparitive survival curves and life-expectancy over the last 100 years. Also, there is a review of philosophical considerations.

Dear Reader:

Our main effort centers around the Life-Extension & Control of Ageing Program. This Program is a systematic approach to long-range health - one that is based on the emerging discipline of life-extension science. It integrates health maintenance, disease prevention, clinical medicine, and a research strategy for the control of biological ageing. The reason for the latter (the control of ageing) is simply because without that only marginal gains can be ever made in all of the other aspects. Indeed, recent research seems to be confirming that biological ageing is the cause of (not just consequent to) cancer and the other chronic diseases. In this regard, there are some radical developments on the horizon.

This Synopsis is a review of the basic concepts upon which our program is based. It is hoped that those who are interested in this subject will become involved at some level. A Registrant receives periodic notices, free of charge; this builds our communication network. A Subscriber receives full program materials and web-site functions; and for a Participant, we offer a comprehensive program of personal applications, the details of which are explained in the Subscriber materials.

Our program is directed mostly toward individuals who have a serious interest in personal health, who can appreciate a more rigorous scientific method, who understand the need for a long-range strategy, and who are philosophically oriented toward self improvement, human progress, and the betterment of the human condition. We want to adhere closely to evidence-based practices and avoid the misdirections that commonly permeate much of the business of health and medicine. Further, it is important to acknowledge that life-extension entails a broad spectrum of psychological, social, and ecological issues and many philosophical considerations - thus the motto "science and philosophy in a unified system of thought". Indeed, in many ways, life-extension is as much a philosophy as it is a technology; and it is truly a philanthropic enterprise because it is for the benefit of oneself as well as for the benefit of others and society, in general - both present and future generations. Many people first become interested in personal health and sensitized to the need for new approaches because of a medical problem. That is a valid point-of-entry into the broader system; and for those, special attention is directed to what we call the "life-extension approach to medicine", which we believe is a significant contribution to conventional practices. It is important to emphasize that life-extension science is about Health and is not, as commonly assumed, about geriatrics; and Health is most fundamentally about Biological Vitality. This basic idea and its implications require a fair amount of explanation to understand properly; and the discussion, below, will be a good introduction. We welcome and appreciate your interest. The Internet community is potentially very powerful and could play a significant role in advancing both the clinical and research objectives of life-extension science. Feel free to ask questions and/or send comments - cae@fis.org. Best wishes, C. A. Everone.


As a kind of mantra, we will keep reiterating the following maxim.

The central issue of Life-extension Science is physical health - its maintenance, improvement, and restoration. There is one, and really only one, true approach to Health; and that approach is dictated by the laws of human biology. Health is a property of Biological Vitality; and Biological Vitality is a product of Cell Number, the Rate of Cellular Operations, and the Quality of Cellular Components and Products (i.e., Health = Cell Number, Rate, & Quality). This applies to all Tissues, regardless of type. Irrespective of the particular agent that might be the cause, Disease is any significant decline in Cell Number, Rate, and Quality of particular Tissues. And Ageing is now the single most consequential disease, it being the underlying cause of senile conditions as well as all of the chronic diseases. If we were able to develop a technology which could restore and maintain Biological Vitality (Number, Rate, & Quality) to a level that was comparable to what you had at about age 20, then your functioning would be optimal; disease would be minimal; if disease did occur, medicine would be highly effective and recovery would be rapid; ageing would not occur, and your potential life-span would be open-ended. That, of course, will seem like science fiction; and, indeed, it is science fiction at this point in time. But then, a hundred years ago, so were most of the inventions which are now part of your daily existence and which you take for granted. Toward accomplishing this feat, most of the basic science is already in place and developments are much further along than most people realize, including scientists. At this time, with well established practices that are available now, which are relatively easy to implement and which cost only a modest amount of money, individual health can be improved significantly, such that a good 20-30% increase can be gain in healthy life-expectancy in most individuals. This is accomplished mostly by a healthy life-style, good disease prevention technology, and state-of-the-art medical management - what we call Phase I Applications. During the next 5-10 years, significant innovations in disease prevention and medical management will occur and some means to slow ageing will be verified, thus resulting in additional increments in healthy life-span. And in the foreseeable future, methods for biological regeneration will be invented, thus putting us solidly on the path toward the ultimate goal. There are only a few areas of biology where that can be accomplished. We track events in all of them and keep our people posted on significant developments. In terms of our Research Strategy, we believe that the most direct and fundamental approach is in the area of stem cell proliferation, directed migration, and tissue-specific differentiation using transcription factors or what we call "eumitotic agents". Persons who have been participating in personal life-extension (or just staying in touch with developments) will be in the best position to take advantage of and benefit from incremental advances and fundamental breakthroughs.

All of this requires a fair amount of explanation; however, in as compressed a manner as possible, those are the precepts of life-extension science; and they constitute the basic frame-work upon which our Program is constructed.


Before expanding on the practical aspects of life-extension science, I want to interject some broader perspectives.

Consider the following. The single, most fundamental purpose of life is Survival - self survival. This is a perennial truth - an existential constant! By extrapolation, one strives to survive in the immediate present and on into the proximate and more distant future; and ultimately, one aspires to "Immortality" or "Infinite Survival". That highest of all philosophical abstractions is, essentially, the ultimate expression of the most basic, biological instinct. In very literal terms, infinite survival is manifest in the genetic continuity via your reproduction; and the emotional bond to family corresponds to that. Life on this planet is some 4 billion years old, having been initiated by a common progenitor; and you personally are a direct ascendant of that first form, which makes you, essentially, 4 billion years old. In more figurative terms, the subconscious desire for infinite survival is the well-spring from which the religions draw their inspiration and authority. And it is sublimated in an array of undertakings - e.g., the pursuit of fortune and fame, the creation of art, adherence to social movements, donations to philanthropies, the resonance with historical heroes, and the common adulation of royalty and pop stars. Obviously, infinite survival is not a thing. Rather it is a process, an unending pursuit that finds different expressions according to changing historical and personal circumstances. After having remained somewhat dormant for the last several centuries, the idea of immortality or infinite survival, as an active philosophical principle, is about to be resuscitated and reconfigured by science and advanced technology - i.e., bio-technology.

Considering our historical development, human evolution can be characterized as having progressed through three stages. First, we (our earliest ancestors) survived like the other animals, wild and naked, adapting ourselves into Nature. From the archaeological record, we know that this epoch lasted for some 125,000 years; and in fact, there are still vestiges of such people which remain in remote places on the planet. Then, about 20,000 years ago, we began adapting Nature to ourselves by means of animal husbandry and agriculture and, more recently, by industrialization and advanced technologies. We are now entering the third stage in which we have the capability (indeed, the necessity) to adapt ourselves to our own design. That aspect takes various directions: e.g., controlling birth and preventing birth defects (a practice that became technically possible about 40 years ago and is now in wide-spread distribution); genetic screening so that particular individuals may avoid certain environmental conditions that might evoke disease (something that is technically possible but is not yet in wide practice); and the increase of intelligence in order to enhance the neurological capacity for advanced learning and adaptation to increasing complexity (still on the drafting board). Of all the potential applications, life-extension science is the hall-mark of this third stage in our evolution because therein lies the conquest of biological ageing - an intrinsic, genetic defect which imposed on the individual a relatively short life-span and the condition of gradual senility. It has been said that "if we want to improve the human condition then we must first improve human nature". This is absolutely true; and the control of ageing is the single most important application in that respect.

The main effort of our organization focuses on life-extension science and technology, and most of the material is directed to practical applications in that area. In his paper entitled "A History of Ideas about the Prolongation of Life ...." (1966), the historian, Gerald Gruman, identified three schools of thought regarding life-extension. 1) "Meliorists" are those who seek to make life better or more comfortable for old people. This effort consumes most of the social services and research funding of agencies in gerontology. 2) "Incrementalists" seek to improve life-expectancy. Conventional medicine might be in this category; and some of the gerontological research seeks to slow ageing, which would give incremental life-extension. And 3) "Immortalists" seek to solve the essential problem by inventing non-ageing human beings. Although we will give consideration to #1 and we necessarily must engage in the practices of #2, we are most fundamentally oriented toward #3, the Immortalist point-of-view. The reason is practical as well as aesthetic - for it is a hard fact of reality that unless we completely solve the problem of ageing, incremental life-extension will be only marginal and melioration, of little value. Most of the basic science is already in place; it is an engineering problem. Consciousness-raising of this potential and channeling resources in the right directions are the biggest challenges in making it happen. Intermediate technologies can provide substantial benefits now, while the experimental work is proceeding. Members of the "Internet Community" can play a significant role in bringing this science to fruition and be in a position to take full advantage of the potentials and opportunities.

We will now proceed to render this into more practical terms.


First and foremost, because virtually everyone is either now or will be ageing and because ageing is now the primary cause of most disease, the cause of eventual senility, and the limiting barrier on the maximum life-span, it stands as a Given that everyone has a personal, vested interest in life-extension science. The initial challenge here is to communicate this simple premise - i.e., that we all have an interest in the development of this science for the benefit of oneself, our relations, and society in general, both present and future generations. Once that conceptual foundation is established, then the Ageing Mandiscussion can advance rapidly to the more substantive issue of how best to proceed. Surprisingly, life-extension and control of ageing is a rather difficult idea to convey, even though the condition is obvious and the merit should be self-evident. It seems that such things as psychological denial, the traditional philosophies, and other barriers operate to shield one from the recognition of this harsh, existential truth. But, if you are over age 50, observe the changes in your own body. Or witness what has happened to your parents. Or visit any geriatric ward - those are the successful ones, not having died prematurely from the common diseases. So, again, the merit of this enterprise should be self-evident. Beyond establishing that recognition, the next challenge here is to motivate people to become involved in a manner and at a level that is appropriate - the greater the participation, the more the science can be expedited. Psychologists will say that humans are motivated (moved to action) by fear and greed. I would prefer to think that we are moved by over-coming obstacles and pursuing aspirations, but that is probably just a more euphemistic way of describing the same dynamic. Either way (ageing, as something to be feared or as a barrier to be over-come with its solution as an expression of personal greed or high aspiration), both positive and negative motivational forces will, no doubt, be at play in this pursuit.

The Life-Extension Program is structured in stages so that someone who is interested may become involved at a level that is appropriate, from general interest (Registration) to expanded information services (Subscription) to personal applications (Participation) and, perhaps, on into great involvement (Contributor/Investor status).

To expand on what has already been said, life-extension science is, most fundamentally, about physical health (its maintenance, enhancement, or restoration) the consequence of which would be to extend functional and healthy life-span. In other words, "life-extension" is not a thing, per se, but rather a potential that is conveyed by a condition of high quality. Life-extension science is not about geriatrics or extending infirmity, as is commonly inferred. The discipline encompasses four, bio-medical considerations: 1) health maintenance, 2) disease prevention, 3) a special approach to clinical medicine, and 4) the control of ageing by biological regeneration. While the control of ageing is the most important of the four, it is the most remote; and although health, prevention, and medicine are immediate and tangible, they ultimately are the least significant. Thus, all four are integral with each other and should be pursued together in a programmatic manner, with the area of emphasis depending on the personal circumstances of a particular individual.

Health maintenance (1) is accomplished, presently, by certain practices in nutrition, toxicology, physical conditioning, and general life-style. The main objectives include: optimization of body weight by moderate caloric restriction; avoidance or buffering of exposure to toxins (e.g., smoking, drugs, industrial chemicals); certain physical conditioning routines; and some other procedures for "fine tuning", which would be based on biochemical individuality and personal circumstances. This science is well established, and the effort is mostly one of building the routines into one's daily living.

Disease prevention (2) is accomplished, presently, by routine biological testing and evaluation for the purpose of discovering sub-clinical disease and determine risk profiles so that early intervention can be done, using the health practices, above, and medicine, below. This is more complex, involves advanced technology, and much of the science is in development.

The life-extension approach to clinical medicine (3) is a variation on conventional practices, integrating the following elements: a) confirmatory diagnoses and proper staging, b) a preference for observational management and the use of health practices as a first-line or adjuvant treatments, c) reliance on evidence-based medical therapies, d) mitigation of adverse effects, e) appropriate supportive care, and f) the enrollment in experimental trials. In all aspects, a high degree of patient involvement is essential, and personal values must be regarded. In the life-extension approach to clinical medicine, a major emphasis is to treat in such a way that quality life-span is retained and to avoid remedies which have little probability of doing benefit and which are likely to damage biological vitality such that quality life-span is shortened. Like disease prevention, clinical medicine is also complex and involves a great deal of technology; and how this is orchestrated depends on individual condition and circumstances. Although present-day, conventional medicine is based on scientific technology, scientifically, it is still a nascent discipline particularly when it comes to the chronic diseases that now dominate. Although life-extension seeks to prevent disease, it is a fact that most people become awakened to the need for health practices after experiencing a medical crisis. Thus, clinical medicine is a major component of the Life-Extension Program and a route into the more comprehensive system.

The control of ageing (4) entails research strategies in biological regeneration. Most people will easily understand and accept items 1, 2, and 3 (health maintenance, disease prevention, and curative medicine). Item 4, the control of ageing, is not yet part of common understanding either among the general public or the medical and health professions; however, the reason that it is integral to the mix is straight-forward - without the control of ageing only moderate gains can be made in the other 3 aspects. Unless ageing is controlled, the maximum life-span will remain fixed at about 100, and senescing will be inevitable. There are only a few areas of basic biology wherein the solution resides; and we monitor those developments. However, we and a growing body of other experts believe that the ultimate breakthroughs will come from the science which is involved in tissue regeneration by advanced procedures such as the induction of the proliferation, directed migration, and differentiation of stem cells, using transcription factors and "eumitotic" agents. Although this may sound like science fiction, now, it is much closer to realization than most scientists either realize or will say publicly.

To properly understand these scenarios requires some instruction and training, which is amply provided in the program materials that are conveyed with Subscription and Participation. To paraphrase and restate what has already been said, the essential ideas of our approach are the following.

Health maintenance, disease prevention, medicine, and control of ageing, the four components above, would usually be considered to be separate subjects; but, in fact, they are not. Rather, they are integral to each other and are different aspects of one condition, and that condition is biological vitality. Fundamentally, health is a property of biological vitality and biological vitality is a function of three aspects: cell number, the rate of cell activity, and the quality of cellular components. Disease, all disease, is anything which causes a significant decline in any of the parameters of biological vitality (i.e., cell number, rate, and quality), with ageing now being the single most important disease. When you compare a photograph of your self at about age 20 with your current image in the mirror, the difference is in cell number, rate of functioning, and quality of components. Health and life-extension science count in a particular individual; thus, life-extension programs must be individually tailored. With currently available procedures that take only a moderate amount of time, effort, and money, and when conducted in a systematic program, the healthy life-span ("health-span") can be increased by some 20-30% in most individuals.Reverse of Ageing The chronic diseases can be prevented or put under state-of-the-art medical management; physical health and condition can usually be improved; and ageing can be slowed somewhat. Those are tangible benefits which can be gained presently at a moderate cost of time, effort, and money; and for anyone interested in personal health, that should make the effort worthwhile, per se. When you note your average life-expectancy in the table, below, multiply the number of years remaining in your life-expectancy, by a factor of 30% (i.e., 0.3), and add that product to your life-span. Such practical life-extension is the primary and more immediate objective of our Program. However, the real break-throughs are in the area of the control of ageing, and that entails the advancement of The Program's research strategy. The ultimate goal of life-extension science is to invent a technology that can restore biological vitality (cell number, rate, and quality) to a condition that is comparable to what one had at about age 20. Given such a level of biological vitality, health and function would be optimal; most disease would be prevented; if disease did occur, medicine would be highly effective and recovery would be rapid; and the life-span potential would be open-ended.

As has been stated, there is one and only one true approach to health and that is dictated by the laws of human biology. The essential elements have just been cited; and they constitute the main principles and components of life-extension science and The Life-Extension Program.


For a more detailed consideration of what life-extension science might mean to you personally, do the Life-expectancy Calculation.


Some Organizational History

The Foundation was established in 1972 for the purpose of advancing life-extension science. The idea of infinite survival is used as a non-sectarian philosophy which works in synergy with the bio-technology. The scientific basis of the Life-Extension Program was first published in 1977 and peer-reviewed subsequently in various scientific and medical venues.

Everone CA, 1977. A Systematic Approach To Life-Extension And Control Of Ageing. Journal of Applied Nutrition, 29(3&4) p.32-47, 1977.

Everone CA, 1978. A Uniform System For The Delivery Of Life-Extension Applications And The Advancement Of Ageing Research. Presented at XIth International Congress of Gerontology, Tokyo, Japan, August 1978.

There are three essential components in a scientific approach to life-extension: 1) a clinical program which is tailored to the aims; 2) an experimental animal colony for evaluating life-extension agents so that they can be applied in the clinical program; and 3) a research strategy in ageing and biological regeneration. From 1978 to 1991, the first two components were resolved. The Foundation, with Chadd Everone as the Principal Investigator and various medical and scientific advisors, operated a medical clinic along the guidelines which are explained in the program materials that are part of Subscription. Also, an experimental animal colony was maintained for testing life-extension therapies. In 1991, effort was directed toward determining the strategy in basic research for the control of ageing as well as various writing projects including the "fis.org" web-site and the "DoctorInternet.com" computer program.

A principal objective now is to consolidate the various components into one central clinic and research facility, which can then be used as a template for building a network of chapter facilities.


Principals & Some Advisors
Chadd Everone, Im., Ph.D., Governing Trustee and Principal Investigator. Ezra T. Clark, M.D. & M.P.H. Medical Director 
Richard Stancliff, Ph.D., Scientific Advisor, Businessman and scientist. Douglas Walsh, Administrative Advisor, Senior Auditor for Kaiser Permanente.
William Vaughan, Ph.D., Scientific Advisor, Pres. Sport Street. Mark Rosenberg, Computer Sciences Advisor, Div. Mgr. Lawrence Berkeley Lab.
Bill Martin, Program Advisor. Pres. AntiAging Society, Inc.  

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I took from man expectancy of death.


What medicine found'st thou for this malady?


I planted blind hope in the heart of him.


A mighty boon thou gavest there to man.

("Prometheus Bound" by Aeschylus written circa 430 b.c.e.)




For a nominal contribution of $25, a person receives a two year subscription to the member sector of the web-site. This contains all of the basic materials as described below and newer features as they are added. The materials are provided in electronic format and can also be provided in printed versions for an additional fee. The fees may be treated as a philanthropic contribution and deductible from income tax. To help insure that organizational funds remain dedicated to program objectives, the Governing Trustee of FIS serve on a cost-of-living basis and without personal estate*. If you have any questions or want clarification, please feel free to correspond - e-mail us

Because the security of charge card transactions on the Internet is still uncertain, we will bill you if you complete the form below and send it with the "Submit" button. Otherwise, simply print out this page and sent it via the mail.

Subscriber Form - Make contribution by check or money order and send to:

FIS- Life-Extension Program. / 2054 University Ave. #407 / Berkeley, California 94707
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Street Address  Telephone
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Membership - 2 year web-site subscription containing all documents in electronic medium. See details below. Upon receipt of your contribution, a password is sent via e-mail............ $25
Printed copy of the FIS - Manual of Principles & Practices. Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery. (Note: this is provide in the subscription above in electronic format.).......... $85
Printed copy of the The DoctorInternet book and computer program. Included is a CD-ROM with the program templates. Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery. (This, also, is provide in the subscription above in electronic format.)............... $85

Membership Materials and Features

Membership. For a contribution of $25, one receives a two year subscription to the web-site documents and functions. This includes, but is not limited to, the following.

The FIS - Manual of Principles & Practices. This is the foundation document (about 500 pages) which encompasses all aspects of our effort. Principally, it included the detailed procedures of the Life-Extension & Control of Ageing Program. (See below for more details.)

DoctorInternet Program. This provides the research routines which we use in compiling our Comprehensive Research Reports on medical conditions and health issues. (See below for more details.)

Base Reports on particular medical conditions.

Wellness Reports, The Annual Report on Life-Extension Science, and Periodic Notices and News Items.

Expanded Features such as the Bio-Technology Investor Fund.

The electronic documents are faster to delivery, more flexible, much less expensive, and conserves environmental resources. However, many people want the basic information in a printed/bound form, and we can provide that. Please note that we print these versions on demand and that they are current as of the printing. The nature of this subject is that the information is dynamic and some of the sections of the printed versions are changed frequently. Because you do receive access to the electronic versions, you can always up-date your material. Still, if you can work with reading on your display and printing the desired sections on your printer, that is the preferred form.

The FIS - Manual of Principles & Practices is a 500 page document containing all of the details of the Life-Extension Program, including testing and evaluation procedures and recommended applications in the six areas of life-extension science - diet, toxicology, physical conditioning, disease prevention, curative medicine, and psychology. With this information, one can begin a scientific approach to life-extension independently by oneself or in conjunction with one's personal physician or proceed through our organization. In addition, the strategy for the control of ageing is explained, and there is a full exposition of the general philosophy with its various applications.


The DoctorInternet Program instructs in how to use the Internet for researching health and medical information, something which is an integral part of personal health management. It is about 240 pages of instruction for using the resources of the National Library of Medicine, the National Cancer Institute, and many other primary sources of scientific, bio-medical information. Included with the printed version is an accompanying CD-ROM with program templates to the Internet functions.

DoctorInternet Book

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