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Foundation for Infinite Survival, Inc. (Est. 1972)
(science and philosophy in a unified system of thought)
Life-Extension & Control of Ageing Program
Medical Research Services
DoctorInternet ®
2054 University Ave. Mail - P.O. Box 13512
Berkeley, California 94712-4512 USA

Planned Central Clinic and Research Facility

A patron has tentatively agreed to donate a 5 acre parcel of land that abuts into a beautiful, recreational reservoir in a small community that is proximate to Berkeley. For this first center, it is imperative to be close to Berkeley because that is one of three or four centers in the world where the advanced research is occurring in those areas of bio-technology that pertain to life-extension science. There is nothing comparable to being in the geographical location that is appropriate to your interests (i.e., if you want to be in investment banking, then be in New York; if you want to make movies, then be in Hollywood; computers, Silicon Valley; etc.). For life-extension science, Berkeley and the San Francisco Bay area is where one needs to be. This proposed facility would serve as a model for proliferation into a network of chapter facilities. The capital that is required for the installation is about $8.5 million, including furnishing and equipment, and it would require an operating budget of some $2 million annually to serve a participant population of about 2,000. If only a small percentage of the Internet community, which was interested in health, would become Subscribers, these financial objectives could be fulfilled, and those Subscribers would gain substantial advantage in terms of advanced access to information and services. Our rate of progress depends on the number of people involved. Thus, we urge that you subscribe and that you suggest to others in your network of associates that they consider doing so, as well.

The facility is a two storey structure with under-ground parking (not shown here). Total square footage is 36,000 sq. ft. of which 13,000 would be the 1st floor, 10,000 the second floor, and 13,000 the parking, storage, and ancillary functions. The round configuration is adopted from three models: Melvin Calvin's Bio-dynamics Lab at UCB, the Pantheon in Rome, and the Bernal Sphere (Torus) design for a space colony by G. O'Neill. This configuration is both aesthetic as well as functionally most appropriate.


The first floor is dedicated primarily to applied life-extension. There is the Testing & Evaluation Component, where Participants receive their comprehensive multi-phasic examination, and there are lecture/counsultation facilities. That constitutes 5 examination rooms, a laboratory, and attendant functions. There is a central atrium for public lectures as well as for community artistic performances and events. Administrative functions and web-site management is also on the first floor.


The second floor is dedicated to research. There will be a small Experimental Animal Colony for evaluating life-extension agents as well as confirming submissions to what we call the "Million Dollar Mouse Project". Also, there will be a research laboratory that focuses on the development of "eumitotic" agents, stem-cell technologies, and clinical histology, clinical chemistry, and relevant biological markers of ageing and disease.

